Creative Origins and Unleashed Rage
As the release date for Breathe In quickly approaches, I’m facing more and more questions about what kind of story it is and why I’ve...
Bringing Creative Thought to Fruition
I truly believe that everyone has a book inside of them, a story they want to tell. The trick is getting those ideas, those concepts, to...
A Heroine to Believe In
Today I was asked, “How do you write an adventurous heroine?” I paused, knowing they’ve read Rogue Alliance and they’re referring to...
Hidden Blessings when you've lost a loved one.
Some may wonder how I could possibly say that I feel blessed to have lost a loved one. Let me first say, that it’s not that I feel...
Breaking the Cycle
Growing up along the west coast, I was raised by a single mom and my grandmother who had left an abusive marriage. With no education my...

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